Millimetres and inches conversion calculator

Millimetres to Inches Converter Calculator

Enter your millimetre length to be converted into inches and click the convert button.

Inches to Millimetres Converter Calculator

Enter your inches length to be converted into millimetres and click the convert button.

Decimal to fraction conversion table

Decimal Fraction
0.00001 1/100000
0.0001 1/10000
0.001 1/1000
0.01 1/100
0.08333333 1/12
0.09090909 1/11
0.1 1/10
0.11111111 1/9
0.125 1/8
0.14285714 1/7
0.16666667 1/6
0.2 1/5
0.22222222 2/9
0.25 1/4
0.28571429 2/7
0.3 3/10
0.33333333 1/3
0.375 3/8
0.4 2/5
0.42857143 3/7
0.44444444 4/9
0.5 1/2
0.55555555 5/9
0.57142858 4/7
0.6 3/5
0.625 5/8
0.66666667 2/3
0.7 7/10
0.71428571 5/7
0.75 3/4
0.77777778 7/9
0.8 4/5
0.83333333 5/6
0.85714286 6/7
0.875 7/8
0.88888889 8/9
0.9 9/10
1.1 11/10
1.2 6/5
1.25 5/4
1.3 13/10
1.4 7/5
1.5 3/2
1.6 8/5
1.7 17/10
1.75 7/4
1.8 9/5
1.9 19/10
2.5 5/2

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