Convert Inch Fractions to Decimals & Millimeters

Use this table to work out what the equivalent of imperial inch fractions is in decimal or metric millimetres.

If you would like a pdf file of the table which you can download and print it can be found here (opens in new window): Inch Fractions to Decimal and Millimetres Printable PDF.

Inch Fraction Inch Decimal Metric (mm)
1/64 .0156 0.397
1/32 .0312 0.794
3/64 .0469 1.191
1/16 .0625 1.587
5/64 .0781 1.984
3/32 .0937 2.381
7/64 .1094 2.778
1/8 .1250 3.175
9/64 .1406 3.572
5/32 .1562 3.969
11/64 .1719 4.366
3/16 .1875 4.762
13/64 .2031 5.159
7/32 .2187 5.556
15/64 .2344 5.953
1/4 .2500 6.350
17/64 .2656 6.747
9/32 .2812 7.144
19/64 .2969 7.540
5/16 .3125 7.937
21/64 .3281 8.334
11/32 .3437 8.731
23/64 .3594 9.128
3/8 .3750 9.525
25/64 .3906 9.922
13/32 .4062 10.319
27/64 .4219 10.716
7/16 .4375 11.112
29/64 .4531 11.509
15/32 .4687 11.906
31/64 .4844 12.303
1/2 .5000 12.700
33/64 .5156 13.097
17/32 .5312 13.494
35/64 .5469 13.891
9/16 .5625 14.288
37/64 .5781 14.686
19/32 .5937 15.081
39/64 .6094 15.478
5/8 .6250 15.875
41/64 .6406 16.272
21/32 .6562 16.669
43/64 .6719 17.065
11/16 .6875 17.462
45/64 .7031 17.859
23/32 .7187 18.256
47/64 .7344 18.653
3/4 .7500 19.050
49/64 .7656 19.447
25/32 .7812 19.844
51/64 .7969 20.241
13/16 .8125 20.637
53/64 .8281 21.034
27/32 .8437 21.431
55/64 .8594 21.828
7/8 .8750 22.225
57/64 .8906 22.622
29/32 .9062 23.019
59/64 .9219 23.416
15/16 .9375 23.812
61/64 .9531 24.209
31/32 .9687 24.606
63/64 .9844 25.003
1 1.000 25.400


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