Free 44 Gallon Drum Sheep Feeder Plans

Free 44 Gallon Drum Sheep Feeder Plans

These simple plans will show you how to build your own sheep feeders from old 44 gallon (205 litre) drums.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that the drums you intend to use have never been used to store any flammable liquids, chemicals or any substances that may be toxic to either humans or animals.

The suggested size of the angle is 40x40x3mm but any angle of a similar size may be used.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drums free plans

Diagram 1

1. Begin by marking a line in the centre across the top of the drum. Mark a line on both sides of the drum from the top line.

2. Cut the end cap out of the bottom of the drum.

3. Using an angle grinder, cut across the top of the drum first and then the sides. Using a hammer, flatten the end of the drum where you removed the end cap.

4. Weld the ends of the drum together.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drums free plans angle 01

Diagram 2

5. Measure along the length of the drum and cut two pieces of angle to this length.

6. Weld the 2 pieces of angle in place as shown in diagram 2.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drums free plans angle 02

Diagram 3

7. Measure across the width of the drum and cut two pieces of angle to this length.

8. Weld the 2 pieces of angle in place as shown in diagram 3.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drum legs

Diagram 4

9. Cut 4 lengths of angle each 1000mm long.

10. Weld these in place as shown in diagram 4. The suggested height from the ground to the top edge of the drum is 450-500mm but this can be changed to suit your requirements.

11. Cut 4 pieces of flat bar approximately 5-6mm thick for the feet. Weld these to the bottom of the legs. Any size flat bar at least 50mm wide is suitable.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drum supports

Diagram 5

12. Turn the feeder over and measure between the legs. Cut 2 pieces of angle to this length and weld in place as shown in diagram 5.

13. Rotate the feeder back onto its feet.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drum top angle

Diagram 6

14. Measure the distance from the outside of both legs and cut 2 pieces of angle to suit.

15. Weld the 2 pieces of angle in place as shown in diagram 6.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drum top angle

Diagram 7

16. Cut the 2 remaining pieces of angle for the ends and weld in place. Refer to diagram 7.

sheep feeder 44 gallon drum round bar

Diagram 8

17. Cut lengths of round bar to fit between the angle on the top of the drum and top angle. The suggested diameter is 14mm.

18. Weld 2 pieces of the round bar evenly spaced in position at each end of the feeder.

19. Weld the remaining round bar into the sides of the feeder. The recommended spacing is 250mm but this can be adjusted to suit your needs.

20. Grind welds and paint as required.

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